My business is valued at over $100 million. Can I join Catalist?
We offer fewer options for businesses valued at over $100 million, but get in contact with us so we can understand your requirements and talk you through the options available.
Do we need to get an external valuation of the business?
No, you do not need to get an external valuation of your business. A valuation is not needed to determine whether you exceed our threshold maximum value. Nor is it required to be provided to investors. However, it can be useful to indicate a valuation or valuation range that the directors believe the company should fall within and ensure sufficient information is provided to investors to justify that valuation or valuation range.
What happens when my business reaches a market capitalisation of $100 million?
Businesses may remain listed on the Catalist Public Market for up to a further two years, during which time we will assist the business to transition onto a more traditional stock exchange, such as the NZX or ASX, if the business wishes to do so. Businesses may remain on our wholesale markets after exceeding a market capitalisation of $100 million.